Group Therapy

Group therapy sessions provide the peer support to encourage and motivate you through the challenges you’ll face when looking at your past and stepping into your future. Working through these challenges with a committed, consistent group of people is a unique process.

“The opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety - it’s connection.” Johan Hari


Peer Support

Group therapy sessions aim to keep the participants together for a sustained period in a ‘cohort’ style, allowing a strong bond to develop between members of the group. The ‘What’s App’ peer support group allows you to connect with your peers when you’re experiencing challenges in your every day life ensuring that you’re never alone during your most challenging moments and always have someone to lean on.

A Safe Space

Share your experience with others to work through your process in a supportive environment. During the group sessions, you’ll be able to speak openly about what ever is on your mind whether it’s something from the past, present or future. Bringing your darkest thoughts, fears and pain into the light helps to release the power these things hold over you. In sharing with the group, you can help to regain power over your thoughts and learn to control them.


Each week, we will explore a small amount of theory behind the causes and consequences of your unwanted patters and how to overcome them. Whilst it’s not thought that you will be able to ‘understand’ your way to overcoming your unwanted feelings, it can certainly help to have a good knowledge of the patterns in your brain, what triggers you to initiate the patterns and how best to interrupt them. As a group, we will explore a range of theories underpinning your issues.

“We are all in this together and that really helps me in my hardest moments.” June 2023

“Really grateful to have a group to lean on when the going gets tough.” December 2022

“My fears and anxiety can be put into the light.” October 2022

“The group sessions have helped me to connect when I need it most.” September 2022

“I would say I have made genuine friends that I connect with deeply.” January 2024

“The What’s App group gives me a lifeline when I’m having a low day. . May 2023

Finer Details

Group therapy sessions last one hour and a half and take place every week. The maximum group size is six people, all the groups are same gender.

Group sessions cost £25 per session. Twenty five per cent of all profits from group therapy sessions are donated to men’s mental health charities.