Corporate Mental Health

Feel like your team are starting to show signs of fatigue, stress or burn-out? Bespoke mental health packages provide groups of staff with the knowledge, tools and skills to thrive within the pressures of the working environment. Group discussions, activities and short presentations are created to align with the culture of your organisation’s values and meet the specific needs of your staff. Breathe life back into your team and enjoy a cohesive working environment by meeting their mental health needs.

Creating Head Space

Meditation, affirmations, manifesting, body work, sound healing, reflective writing, self therapy, growth mindset, solution focus, self care; there are so many ways we can improve and maintain our mental health. You can help your team to help themselves by embedding an ethos that places positive mental health at the forefront of everything you do.

Empowering the Team

Corporate mental health packages empower each member of the team to take ownership of their mental health needs. Whether they are suffering from burn-out, creative blocks or just need to know that their mental health is a priority to you, well-being packages cater to all of these needs. Through greater awareness and effective coping strategies, you can rejuvenate your workforce by providing them with all the tools they need to identify signs of stress, anxiety and overwhelm early on.

Theory into Practice

We will explore some of the key principles and philosophies that underpin mental health and well-being. With an in-depth understanding of how stress and pressure impact the brain and it’s performance, the team will begin to engage with a range of practical techniques they can apply in their lives. Whether overwhelmed with email traffic or feeling the pressure of the next big presentation, you can sit back and relax knowing ‘they’ve got this’.


Well-Being Days

Individual well-being days can be carried out either at your offices or online. We can talk through the challenges and aspirations of your team and I will create an engaging, interactive day for your team.


If your organisation is in need of on-going well-being support, we can work together to create an infrastructure that provides exactly that. Through implementing a supportive structure for your team, you will reap the benefits of a focused, motivated and mentally fresh team every day.

Cultural Change

To create a significant change within an organisation, whether large or small, requires engagement from all parties. Embedding a person centred culture that places the people at the forefront of the organisation can yield outstanding results.

Whether you’re seeking to change the culture for your organisation or simply want to provide your team with the tools they need to really thrive, bespoke mental health days will help.

To talk through the packages available and see how we can work together to create a bespoke mental health package that makes a significant impact, email